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Finding Your “Unicorn” Perfect Candidate 

A lot of employers have big aspirations about finding the perfect candidate. In the recruiting world, we call this perfect candidate a unicorn, and they are about as challenging to find as the animal itself! You may be saying to yourself, "but unicorns aren't real?" That's

Sprucing Up Your Resume To Land Your Next Job

Your resume offers employers a brief glimpse of your experience to see if they want to learn more about you. To stand out from the crowd of applicants and put your best foot forward, follow these tips below for writing a resume to land your

Asking the Right Questions For A Career Move

Making a Career Move Whether you are thinking about a career move, already applied to a few jobs, or just keeping an eye on what opportunities are available right now, it’s necessary to think about what you value in your next company. So how do you

In Case Of Emergency – Avoiding Admin Burnout

Guest Author: Nancy Baker Our Role As Administrators An administrator’s focus often faces outward. The job description demands it. It is our responsibility to shepherd the practice which not only includes supporting the providers so that their focus remains on patient care, but also guiding, inspiring, and