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Tips to be better at what you do

3 Tips To Be Better at What You Do

Maintaining a sustainable work-life balance is crucial to success for anyone working in the eyecare industry.  Whether you’re new to the optical workforce or a seasoned veteran, keeping that balance can make a world of difference in how you perform in your job. To help

Ophthalmology and Optometry Recruitment | Creating a Search Process Unique to You Blog

Creating a Search Process Unique to You: Part Two

Throughout our entire history, imatters has remained committed to providing long-lasting talent solutions to the eye care community. However, we’ve noticed many ophthalmology and optometry recruitment firms practiced a more general approach, leaving behind a broad lack of knowledge and depth. We knew this was

burnout image young lady cell phone frustrated

3 Causes of Burnout & How to Beat It

Healthcare professionals are no strangers to depression, stress, irritability, and mental or emotional exhaustion. However, experiencing those symptoms yourself can be quite a shock. Handling burnout is more common than you might think, with 45 percent of all healthcare workers experiencing burnout.  Burnout can affect anyone

Eye Care Recruitment Unique to You

Creating a Search Process Unique to You: Part One

For nearly two decades, imatters has remained committed to providing talent solutions to the eye care community. Throughout our time in the industry, we noticed a broad lack of knowledge and depth as many firms practiced a more general approach. We knew this was a

Hiring Mistakes

3 Common Optometry Hiring Mistakes

It’s no surprise that we’re living in a candidate market right now. With employees leaving their employers in large numbers, it can be challenging to know where to start finding suitable hires for your eye care practice.  When it comes to hiring, it’s not much different