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A How-to Guide for Onboarding: Part II

Welcome back for part two! In part one of this short series, we discussed the first crucial steps on how to create an onboarding plan. Now, we’ll build upon that information by providing more resources and discussing the plan’s implementation. Need a refresher on the first

onboarding with wooden cubes

A How-To Guide for Onboarding: Part I

Onboarding. It is your company's first impression for any new hire when they walk in (or log in, for our remote hires). Proper onboarding benefits you and your practice, reducing employee turnover, lowering hiring expenses and improving the quality of your staff.  At imatters, we developed

resigns resignation letter

Next Steps For When An Employee Resigns

As an employer or hiring manager within the eye care industry, it’s certainly disheartening to receive a resignation letter from an employee. You’ve put trust, resources, time and money into your candidate. Many thoughts and questions arise as soon as they give notice. Should you let

Imposter Syndrome

Facing and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt as if you don’t belong or deserve to be where you are? Or feared your coworkers, mentors or boss might out you and discover that you were a fraud all along?  You may be experiencing imposter syndrome.  What Is Imposter Syndrome? Imposter syndrome describes

Tips to be better at what you do

3 Tips To Be Better at What You Do

Maintaining a sustainable work-life balance is crucial to success for anyone working in the eyecare industry.  Whether you’re new to the optical workforce or a seasoned veteran, keeping that balance can make a world of difference in how you perform in your job. To help