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Woman stressed biting pencil

How to Stop Stress in 60 Seconds or Less

Running a small business can require managing difficult situations every day. From funding issues to prickly customers, entrepreneurs have to solve problems all day, and the stress of it all can lead to burnout or worse. Instead of sliding into overwhelm, consider these stress-busting tactics

Tired eye care employee

Managing Tardiness and Sick Employees

Absenteeism and tardiness can have a significant impact on an eye care practice, including lost productivity, increased overtime costs, and elevated stress among the employees left to pick up the slack.

Active vs. Passive Candidates

f I told you that your career opportunity would reach only 15% of eye care professionals using your traditional posting methods, would you be alarmed? According to market research, only 15% of eye care professionals are actively seeking new employment. We call these active candidates.