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10 Next Steps When an Employee Gives Notice

10 Next Steps When an Employee Gives Notice

When an employee hands in their notice, it can catch even the most prepared manager or HR professional off-guard. An employee’s departure often triggers a mix of emotions and logistical challenges, particularly if they play a crucial role in the team. However, handling resignations smoothly

background checks in eyecare

The Importance of Background Checks in Eyecare Hiring

Trust and reliability are fundamental virtues. Building and maintaining a reputable practice hinges on hiring individuals with the right qualifications and character. The recent incident just down the street, where a front desk employee caused a shocking loss of $44,000, underscores the critical importance of

pygmalion effect

The Pygmalion Effect: Empowering Success in Eyecare

The Pygmalion Effect, also known as the Rosenthal Effect, is an intriguing phenomenon in which an individual's performance is shaped by the expectations of those around them. It can have powerful implications in any field, and the eyecare industry is no exception. In this blog

eyecare job description

How to write an effective eyecare job description

The dreaded job description. Sometimes seen as a necessary evil for hiring, the job description is actually a vital part of the process—and it doesn’t have to be a painful one, either. Your eyecare job description serves as the foundation of your hiring and provides

An employer brand is one of the most discussed topics among business leaders—and its importance spans far beyond LinkedIn.  

Creating and Implementing a Great Employer Brand

Employer branding is a type of marketing that showcases your company and the employment experience in its entirety. It’s also one of the most discussed topics among business leaders—and its importance spans far beyond LinkedIn.   That’s right, employer branding is far more than a buzzword-y business